Creating links that connect people and hearts, for the brighter future of the world
Creating links that connect people and hearts, for the brighter future of the world
Creating links that connect people and hearts, for the brighter future of the world

What Farmer's Link Africa Does

Farmer’s Link Africa is a platform where buyers and producers are directly connected through fashion and digital technology.
We make cotton produced by small-scale farmers in Africa traceable through digital technology, to provide a new ethical consumption experience leading to a sustainable future.

What Farmer's Link Africa Provides

International Certified Cotton
 from Small-scale Farmers in Africa
We only use cotton that has been carefully hand-picked by small-scale farmers in Zambia, using environmentally friendly farming methods and processes that are internationally certified for respect of human rights and environmental protection.
Blockchain Traceability
Information on each farmer’s production contract, agricultural inputs such as seeds and pesticides, farming methods, harvest volume, subsequent processing routes, dates, and time, are managed on a blockchain to achieve transparency that allows tracing of the final product from farmers to buyers. 

It is not just a proof of origin, but also a visualization of the environmental and social impact of the production of raw materials used in the product you purchase.
Digital Services and Contents for Producer and Buyer Interaction
Upon purchasing of clothing, buyers can check the producer of the cotton used to make the clothing on an APP, and the producers get notified of such a purchase.

A portion of the purchase price is shared with the producers and depending on the sales volume, various programs will be promoted locally such as connecting production areas to electricity and building water points. Buyers will be able to monitor such progress in the community.

How Farmer's Link Africa Works

Farmer’s Link Africa builds a close network with cotton producers in Africa to manage the entire value chain processes from planting to harvesting and processing using blockchain for traceability and transparency. There will also be transparency in the returns to the producers in form of provision of agricultural inputs, technical guidance, and development of social infrastructure. By scanning QR tags on the final products using smartphones, buyers will know the farmers’ stories, their villages, communicate with the producers, and visualize their contribution to sustainability thus enjoying a new ethical consumption experience.

 New Ethical Consumption Experience with Farmer's Link Africa

Stories of Farmers and Rural Communities

Introducing a background of how some of the products are made and thoughts that producers put into the products. Examples follow:

  • Daily life in a traditional farming village
  • Name of production area, total number of producers, total cropped area, total yield
  • Agricultural inputs used: seeds, pesticides, fertilizers
  • Introduction of farming methods: use of rainwater, crop rotation, hand-picking, etc.
  • Photos of growing scenes

Direct Communication with Producers

We provide a communication platform for our buyers to participate in Farmer’s Link. Examples follows:

  • A message and photo from farmers
  • Likes, comments between buyers and farmers
  • Tips from buyers to farmers

Sustainable Contributions Makes It Easy

We continuously visualize the impact of the entire profit returns to producers. With every purchase, a buyer contributes to sustainable development, and the impact on rural communities can be visualized. Examples follow: 

  • Direct returns through provision of agricultural inputs to each producer
  • Improvement of yields and incomes of producers resulting from technical guidance in agriculture, etc.
  • Investment in basic infrastructure, electrification, telecommunication, etc. and status of implementation
  • Potential reduction in CO2 emissions expected from investment in environmentally friendly agricultural practices
  • Reduction of deforestation through fuel conversion support

Comparison with Other Initiatives

Farmer's Link Africa
International Certification
Charity Project
Cotton from Plantations
Real-time tracing
for each
small-scale farmer

Difficult to trace

Difficult to trace

Not a real-time trace
Return to Farmers
Direct return to farmers
Difficult to return
Indirect return
Difficult to return
The social and
environmental impact of product purchases
on App

No Visualization of
contribution available

Difficult to Visualize

Difficult to Visualize

Form of Material Supply

We offer OEM apparel products with the services described above.
Please feel free to contact us for any types of material supply.

Record of Past Media Coverage

December 24th, 2021 
January 16th, 2022
Broadcasted on Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Photos from Zambia

Operating Company


In the fields of metal resources, energy, projects, mobility, chemicals, iron and steel products, food, distribution, wellness, ICT, and corporate development, we leverage our worldwide sales offices, networks, and information capabilities to develop a diverse range of businesses, including the sale of a wide variety of products, logistics and finance to support these products, and the construction of international projects.

ETC Group Limited

ETG is an agricultural supply chain company operating in 48 countries around the world with a focus on Africa. ETG has over 400 locations in Africa and a network of over 2 million smallholder farmers. ETG works to connect the world and Africa through global trading based on two-way transactions with farmers for the sale of agricultural materials and purchase of agricultural products.




For inquiries please contact us via email below.